Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy


In recent years, many counselors have started using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) when working with those who are dealing with trauma. Developed in the 1990s, this relatively new approach has proven effective in helping survivors of trauma and those working through distressing events. Lakeside Counseling Licensed Professional Counselors are very excited to offer this effective counseling technique in an online setting where it can be available to a wider range of people. Keep reading to learn a little more about EMDR and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you want to schedule a consultation to discuss more of the specifics.


What is EMDR? 

Simply put, EMDR is a counseling technique that helps people recover after trauma or distressing life events. We’ve learned that trauma actually changes the brain and body in real ways, so in order to completely heal from these difficult events, you have to repair the damage. While traditional talk therapy could take years to be effective, people who choose to move forward with EMDR often see dramatic improvement in just months or even weeks.

Who Can Benefit from EMDR?  

EMDR was developed specifically with trauma in mind, but it has proven effective in addressing a number of concerns including: 

  • Anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Panic attacks

  • Phobias

  • Chronic pain and medical issues

  • Depression

  • Dissociative disorders

  • Personality disorders

  • Eating disorders

  • Grief and loss

  • Sexual assault survivors

  • Survivors of domestic violence

  • Substance abuse

  • Sleep disorders


What Happens During EMDR Counseling Online? 

Unlike other forms of talk therapy for trauma recovery, EMDR doesn’t require in depth discussions of the distressing experience or homework between sessions to change the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that stem from the traumatic event(s). Instead, EMDR sessions are specifically created to resolve unprocessed trauma and allow the brain and body to resume their natural healing processes. During EMDR, you will be asked to think about an image, memory, or event, and to notice the thoughts, emotions, and feelings in the body when you think of this event. Next, you’ll be asked to consider a positive belief or feeling that might occur if the situation were resolved. As you hold these ideas in your mind, guide you through sets of repeated movements through eye movement, sound, or tapping. After each set, we’ll discuss what comes to mind when you think of the situation again, as well as any changes you experience. This is repeated until the event starts to feel less disturbing. It’s important to remember that you can stop at any time if the experience is too intense and you need a break.

Now Offering EMDR Intensives

At Lakeside Counseling, based in Madison, WI, we are now offering EMDR Intensives to all residents of Florida, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and internationally. If you are interested in cost-effective treatment that can lead to life-changing results in a matter of days, click below to learn more.


How do I Schedule My Appointment?

You can submit your appointment request using our online form. During our first session, you can ask any questions you have, review your counseling goals, and explore different techniques (like EMDR) that may be beneficial.